Powerful Presentations with Impact!

Jeff Gould uses power-packed stories about how many have gained (or lost) true prosperity based on his 20-year career as a eulogist for the rich, famous, and ordinary.

Jeff Gould--known as America's Storyteller hosts live stage shows, events, workshops, keynotes, etc.

Looking to Inspire and Motivate Others?

I Like That Story features a series of keynotes or workshops (tailored to age, individuals, or groups) to clarify purpose, calm anxiety and create passion using the most effective tool available—story. These keynotes or workshops are separated into 4 different presentations called the 4 Quarters of Life.

Presentations - 4 Quarters of Life

using stories to solve conflict in your relational world.

Finding Purpose

seeking significance in the third quarter of life.

Solving Conflict

Pass wisdom in the fourth quarter of life.

Seeking Significance

find your purpose with i like that story

Passing on Wisdom

  • "Jeff's visit was outstanding! His stories and uplifting nature make him a great speaker for any group, big or small."

    Craig Libis - CEO Executive Recruiting Consultants

  • "We invited Jeff to speak to our Project Management group. He connected with us through stories about life, business, teamwork, and communication. We left inspired, motivated, and ready for new challenges."

    Steve Horan

  • "Jeff spoke to our team about fear, and his personalized stories and warm presence put everyone at ease. He came in not knowing any of us and left us feeling as if we had a new friend."

    Steve Green - Senior Account Executive CEO Executive Recruiting Consultants

  • "Sincerely gave me a lot to think about and moved me to action. 10/10 stars!"

    Audience Member

  • "Jeff spoke at the PMI Sioux Empire event, and it was fantastic! His stories made us think and self-reflect. I bought his book to keep learning and challenging my mindset. Thanks again!"

    Kara Meisinger

  • "Jeff did a terrific job with his presentations. Many attending said he was their favorite speaker. He can relate to any audience! Highly recommend!"

    Linder Farm Network

  • "Jeff is a powerful and inspirational speaker who always inspires me. His words are thought-provoking, and even after the sessions, I keep thinking about my gifts and how I can share them."

    Audience Member

3 Easy Steps

Contact Jeff

Click the button to schedule a call with Jeff

Form a Plan

Together we’ll form a plan for your desired keynote or workshop

Enjoy the Presentation!

We make it hassle-free

Looking for More Inspiration?

For further inspiration, wisdom, and guidance—Jeff has several podcasts featuring I Like That Story, Father’s Wisdom, and Talent Code Profile. If you’re looking for some festivity you can listen to Jeff’s syndicated radio broadcast—A Prairie Christmas.

Jeff Gould in his workshop looking out the window to inspire others.

Interested in More Stories?

Check out the shop for books!

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